Newcastle's Premier Commercial Painting Contractor

Specialising in cost-effective repainting and tailored maintenance solutions

Higgins Coatings, Newcastle
7/6 Parish Drive, Beresfield NSW 2322
P 02 8755 1400
Trading hours:
 9am - 5pm local time


Robert Stenzel

Robert Stenzel | GM NSW/ACT

Linkedin Profile Photo Template 2

Jason Hanns | Branch Manager


Higgins Coatings offers high-quality commercial painting services in Newcastle, the Central Coast and Northern Regional NSW. Combining local knowledge with the resources of a national company, we are dedicated to providing tailored solutions to our customers. With a tri-certification accreditation, our experience across a range of industries, including strata, education and industrial painting, we know how important preventative maintenance is for a property.

Our Newcastle painters are proud to have worked on a number of local landmarks, including Lake Macquarie Private Hospital and Charlestown Square, using our comprehensive planning, cutting-edge resources and wealth of experience to drive successful projects each and every time.

What does it mean to be Australia's largest family in painting since 1949?

This is our story.

Our Newcastle commercial painting services include:

  • General commercial painting and repainting
  • Ongoing painting maintenance solutions
  • National multi-site commercial painting
  • Colour consultation

What you can expect from us:

  • Quotes tailored to your budget and property
  • High quality work completed within tight deadlines
  • Local, professional and experienced painters
  • Australian family-owned-and-operated business with 70+ years of experience
  • Highest commitment to quality, safety and the environment
  • 100% customer satisfaction

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